
Halaman Future Care

Future Care

Most people want to have their retirement years with their close relatives, overseas holiday with their partner, or to pursue a new hobby without worrying about their finances. In fact, 95% retirees in Indonesia financially depend on their family and relatives1 because they do not have a viable pension plan or worst, no plan at all.

It is paramount for people in the productive age to make a good plan as early as possible in order to realize their ideal retirement life.

How do I get started?
To create an ideal retirement
  • What do you want to do when you are retired and how much fund do you need?
  • How long is your time to set up your pension fund?
  • How much is your financial capability to put aside fund on regular basis to prepare your pension fund in the future?
Set up pension plan

After you know what your kind of ideal retirement you need, do start planning pension funds as early as possible to ensure the availability of your pension fund in the future

Choose a product with the right solutions

With an increasing demand in life and a growing lifestyle, you need a solution that can give you direction in creating your ideal retirement comes to pass

Future Care from Allianz Indonesia

Future Care gives peace of mind, by ensuring you to enjoy your desired retirement life in the future.

Product Excellence

  1. Guaranteed Cash Benefit despite the risk of lowering interest rate.
  2. Guaranteed Issue Policy up to Sum Assured of IDR 5 Bio2.
  3. Higher ratio of Total Cash Benefit over Total Premium Paid.
  4. Transparency in Non-Guaranteed Benefit.
Product Brochure - Issued by Allianz
Ringkasan Informasi Produk dan Layanan (RIPLAY) Umum - Issued by Allianz
Important Information

Important Information

About Allianz

1 Source: Bureau of Pension Fund Bapepam-LK, 2012. Ministry of Social Affairs, Life Insurance.

2 Entry Age 18-50 y/o.

  1. Future Care is an insurance product issued by PT. Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia.
  2. A description of the complete benefits also terms and conditions are referring to the Future Care Policy.
  3. If these products are marketed through a bank, the bank only have limited role in transmitting information from the insurance company of insurance products to customers or provide access for insurance companies to offer insurance products to its customers. Insurance is not a bank product that is not guaranteed by the bank and are not covered by the government guarantee program or lembaga penjaminan simpanan.
  4. Premium paid already includes the commission to the bank.
  5. Allianz has been licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan), and it's sales are licensed with the Life Insurance Association of Indonesia (Asosiasi Asuransi Jiwa Indonesia).
Contact Allianz Care

Call center: 021-1500136
PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia Head Office
Allianz Tower
Jl. HR Rasuna Said
Kawasan Kuningan Persada Super Blok 2
Jakarta Selatan 12980

HSBC Phone Banking Service

1500 700 (for HSBC Premier customers)
1500 808 (for HSBC Advance customers)

Wealth Management

*Terms and conditions apply. For more info, contact our call centre

PT Bank HSBC Indonesia is registered and supervised by Financial Services Authority (OJK), Bank Indonesia (BI)
and also a participant of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) guarantee program

Product Information

Entry Age

18 - 50 y/o ( Nearest Birthday).

Pension Plan Solutions

  1. Guaranteed Retirement Benefit
    Fixed annual payment paid until Insured reached retirement age
  2. Non-Guaranteed Benefit
    Payable when Policy surrender started a year after Target Retirement Age or upon maturity at Insured age 70 y/o, whichever comes first. Non-Guaranteed Benefit nominal value will be determined by Allianz.
  3. Death Benefit
    1. Within first 2 years Policy:
    2. After 2 years Policy:

    Benefit Illustration

    • Bank commission is already included in the Premium paid by customers
    • Any information listed in this website is not a part of insurance product policy ("Insurance Policy") and therefore does not constitute agreement for any insurance products between PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia and customers. Customers are bound with terms and conditions listed in Insurance Policy
    • A complete list of terms and conditions including fees and exceptions can be found in the Insurance Policy.

About Allianz

Allianz's presence in Indonesia began in 1981 with a representative office in Jakarta. In 1989, Allianz established itself as a general insurance company PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia. In 1996, Allianz strengthened its commitment to the Indonesian market by creating 'Allianz Life' focusing on life insurance, health insurance and pension funds. Allianz Life operates under the name of PT Asuransi Allianz Life Indonesia.

Allianz Indonesia is now supported by more than 1,300 employees and 20,000 sales team members, supported by a network of banking and distribution partners to serve more than 7 Million people insured with Allianz in Indonesia.

In 2018, Allianz Indonesia reported a positive performance with combined Gross Written Premium (GWP) of 11.9 Trillion Rupiah. Life and Health insurances accounted for 10.7 Trillion Rupiah GWP and General insurance contributing 1.2 Trillion Rupiah GWP.

Allianz and its Agents / Sellers are licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan).