
About Your Credit Card Page

Your HSBC Credit Card contains an embedded chip that provides additional security by protecting the customer from improper use and data forgery. Your credit card chip is valid and accepted in all countries, and can also be used at ATMs, for online transactions and so on, exactly like a standard magnetic strip-based credit card.

HSBC cards faces
  1. Card Number
    This is your card's unique number. Please include this number in all correspondence with HSBC. Write your card number clearly when paying your credit card bills.
  2. Your Name
    Only you are eligible to use this card. Please check that your name is correctly spelled on your card as soon as you receive it.
  3. Validity Date
    Your card is valid from the date you receive and activate it on the month shown until the last day of the month shown.
  4. Chip
    Your card's chip contains personal information that provides better security and convenience when making transactions.
  5. Contact center number
    You can contact our 24-hour helpline on:
    • HSBC Premier Mastercard Credit Card customer
      1500 700 (accessible from all cities within Indonesia)
      (6221) 2551 4722 (accessible from overseas)
    • HSBC Visa Platinum Credit Card and HSBC Live+ Credit Card customer
      1500 808 (accessible from all cities within Indonesia)
      (6221) 2552 6603 (accessible from overseas)
    • HSBC Visa Signature Credit Card customer
      1500 808 (accessible from all cities within Indonesia)
      (6221) 2552 6603 (accessible from overseas)
    • Other HSBC Credit Cards customer
      1 500 8081 (accessible from all cities within Indonesia)
      (6221) 2552 6603 (accessible from overseas)
  6. Magnetic Strip
    Important information about your credit card is stored on this strip. Please keep the strip away from magnets, and avoid scratching it.
  7. Signature sticker
    For your security, ensure that you sign your card over the sticker using your usual signature, in indelible ink.

Additional Card Information
You can nominate a family member or friend over the age of 17 years as an Additional Card Holder. All costs incurred on the Additional Card will appear in your monthly statement and be your full responsibility.
To obtain an Additional Card, contact our 24-hour Contact Center on (021) 5291 4722 within Indonesia, or on (62-21) 2552 6603 from overseas, or fill in an Additional Credit Card application form at your nearest branch

1 1 Effective per 25 November 2019, 64722 can not be contacted and changed to 1 500 808.

Call Us

1500 808

Or (+6221) 2552 6603
(if you are calling from overseas)

HSBC Fusion

1500 501

HSBC Premier

1500 700

Or (+6221) 2551 4722
(if you are calling from overseas)

For other ways to reach us, click here

If you have a previously saved HSBC Credit Card Online Application you may resume here

More info

PT Bank HSBC Indonesia is registered and supervised by Financial Services Authority (OJK), Bank Indonesia (BI)
and also a participant of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) guarantee program